Wednesday, October 23, 2013

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Psalm 23
Proverbs 23

Pray - Read - Pray

Love Psalm 23. Learned it as a little boy in Sunday School. You know, you come across this Psalm and maybe feel like I've read this 100's of times. Maybe like me, you sometimes just breeze through it, without enjoying fresh things the Lord may want to reveal. So, today let's soak in it.

If you have time, read it first and then go back and look carefully at specific words or phrases. So here's the words and phrases I focused on...

My shepherd
rest in green meadows
leads me besides peaceful streams
renews my strength
guides me
close beside me
protect and comfort me

Then I formed these into a prayer. You can do this if you want or just pray as the Lord leads you.

Lord, thank you for being my shepherd, my guide, directing each of my steps today. Im grateful that you have given me a restful spirit that feels as if Im walking in a tranquil green meadow. In that meadow thank you for leading by a peaceful stream where my strength is renewed. Please guide me today in all that I do. Walk hand in hand with me, protect me, show me where to walk, what to say, and how to act. May it all glorify and honor you.

Proverbs 23